At aRTiNtECH we are excited. Why? Because our AI team is becoming creativity focused! With the leadership of Dr. Gholami -our Director of Creative Technologies, aRTiNtECH AI team is shifting its focus from the technology side of AI towards creativity and AI-Human interaction.
There are many applications to AI and most of them are based on the concept that machines can effectively learn repetitive works and replace human. Yet the concept of creativity is a mystery. What is creative work? How is it different from repetitive work? Can we create creative machines? To answer this question, we need to get deeper in philosophy and maybe even brain science. How do people come up with creative works and how do we translate this process into a machine language?
To answer this question, we will communicate and collaborate with scientists, creative artists, and philosophers. In addition to all we do at our AI team, Dr. Gholami is directing which will act as a platform to expand our horizons towards creative technologies and the future of creativity.