Simplify Quality Management with Artintech's CAPA and NonConformance Solutions

Understand and prioritize defects in your company and use RCCA and CAPA tools to avoid them from happening in the future.

Streamline Non-Conformance Management with our QMS Module

The Artintech Non-Conformance Control software is a vital part of our Quality Management System (QMS) solution, providing a powerful and comprehensive tool for managing non-conformance events. Our software features NCR, CAPA, RCCA, and Disposition functionalities, allowing you to easily manage and analyze non-conformance trends and performance metrics. With comprehensive reporting features, our software streamlines your non-conformance management processes, providing a simple, intuitive interface that minimizes the time and resources required for effective control. Choose Artintech for efficient and effective non-conformance management as a part of our QMS solution.

  • Defect / Actions Panel

    You could now add your defect short code and action short codes into the system per your internal defect history and customer escapes and address your defects to simplify your further analysis.

  • NCMR

    Never miss any defect in your shop floor by using a very user friendly Artintech NCMR Module.

  • Assign for Disposition/RCCA

    Assign your NCMR to multiple team members to disposition through our notification base system.

  • CAPA

    Use CAPA to investigate your systematic issues more efficiently. Use dynamic risk evaluation table and select the proper CAPA format per your risk assessment

90 days free trial! No credit card required.

Start streamlining your processes!

Get started with Artintech today and streamline your business operations. Sign up now to achieve your business goals with our powerful suite of modules.