CAiAT 2019 AI conference was a great experience for all of us at Artintech. The event was organized by PITON (Professional IT Occupational Network) and FICI (the First Institute of Canadian Inventors). Artintech was one of the four main sponsors of the conference along with Microsoft, Digiteens, and Vtract Robotics. The motto of the conference was Take Action and this is very much what we at Artintech value. Ryerson University and Humber college were supporting the event and VisionTo was the media sponsor of the conference. This was an example of a collaboration of many elements in the IT area. The conference was not talking about the future. It was rather focused on currently available tools of AI in a variety of industries. In 6 hours of the conference, 9 speakers delivered talks about how Ai is being used in their industries and encouraged audiences to participate in this new industrial revolution.
Artintech at CAiAT 2019 Conference
Artintech at CAiAT 2019 Conference