This week aRTiNtECH was the sponsor of an event hosted by PITON, A Professional IT Group in Toronto. The topic presented by aRTiNtECH was a topic we believe will move the AI to the next stage. Genetic Algorithm is an evolutionary computing algorithm that has its roots in nature. Inspired by Darwinian evolution and natural selection ideas, people like John Holland as early as the 1950s created an amazing yet elegant algorithm called genetic algorithm or evolutionary computing. GA (Genetic Algorithm) has been used in many different fields such as optimization problems, gaming, financial markets, and even design of NASA Mars Rover’s antenna. However, what is exciting for us in aRTiNtECH, is how this algorithm can evolve Artificial Neural Networks (Machine Brains). With the help of GA, we believe, instead of intelligent machines, future will see evolving intelligent machines. This means machines can evolve to super-machines without much intervention from the human side. Machines are going to be smarter, and the exciting part is that we don’t have any idea how smart they can get. Are they going to become self-aware? Are they going to be more creative than humans? We have to wait and see.
The next step in Artificial Intelligence
The next step in Artificial Intelligence