2018 was a wonderful year for aRTiNtECH. We had wonderful community interaction, awesome team development, amazing products and projects, and powerful partnerships. However, we take all of these as the bedrock for something greater.
The aRTiNtECH that we picture in our shared vision is a company that helps humankind become less machine. People are not machines and should not be treated as one. Our vision is to find the true meaning of being a human by enabling machines to do whatever a machine can do! It is only then that we can discover what is unique about human. Is intelligence unique to human? Is being a human means being creative? Is self-awareness what makes us unique? Are spiritual experiences exclusively reserved for our kind? We are not sure about most of the answers. What we know is that we have progressed. We know more than last year, last month, and even last week; And we are going to have a better understanding of who we are as we eliminate what we are not.
We believe people are not machines and we use this statement as a guideline to find our way through many doors of technology.