Artintech SCMSA Certificate program
(Supply Chain Management System Administrator)

The workshop will empower supply chain management system administrators and operators. Working with different modules, preparing reports, and transferring documents are among the topics you will be learning.

Who this training is for:

Why do companies need this training?

ProcePax is Arintech’s supply chain management system. Companies that use ProcePax need to make sure their staff are properly trained to operate this software and get the most out of it. This training will provide necessary training in a quick and short workshop format.

Moreover, the attendees will receive Artintech’s SCMSA Certificate which will assure employers of their qualifications and their knowledge of working with ProcePax and potentially similar software systems.

Sample training modules

Our training modules will be designed based on your organization’s needs. Each organization needs distinct courses with specific content. Here are some examples of these modules:
